How to use Auto Build

Pixellu SmartAlbums Auto Build feature allows you to create an album with just one click. To use this feature, simply choose the Auto Build button. 

Note: the album will be created using all of the files in the Image Browser. However, you can also select a specific set of images in the Image Browser to create spreads with only those files.

In the Auto Build window, you will have a few options to customize how your album will be designed: 

1. Specify the number of spreads for your design.

2. Image Grouping will prioritize how images are grouped onto spreads. 

  • Smart Grouping: This option will allow you to group images by blocks of time, whether the files are black and white, or using the metadata of the images. Enabling multiple options will help to improve how your images are grouped.
  • Specify range: This option allows you to group images by specifying the number of images per spread. 

3. Template Reuse determines how often templates in the project repeat.

  • Minimum: This option will allow you to see the most variety for the templates.
  • Medium: This option will allow you to see a variety of templates, as well as have repeated templates.
  • Maximum: This option will allow you to see more of the same templates.

Once you’re satisfied with the settings, select Auto Build to create your design. In just a few seconds, spreads will be created in your project.  

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