Saving Console Logs (Mac)

Our support team may ask you to send us your machine's Console Logs file while troubleshooting. This file will contain a list of actions performed on your machine and will let us know if a specific action is failing to be completed. 

How to save Console Logs

Follow these short steps to save your machine's Console Logs file and send them to us:

  1. Select the magnifying glass icon on the top right side of your screen (also known as Spotlight).
  2. In the search box that appears, search for the Console application. The application should appear in a list below; double-click on it to open it.
  3. Next, open the Pixellu SmartAlbums application.
  4. In this step, we'll need to reproduce the issue that you are having with SmartAlbums. For example, if you are having issues with exporting your project, try exporting your project until the same issue that you've been having occurs. This will allow the Console application to record what action is failing to be completed. 
  5. Once the steps above is complete, select the Console application so that you can interact with it. Depending on the operating system that you are using, follow the steps below to save your machine's Console Logs file:

Mac OS El Capitan (10.11) or older:

With the Console application selected, choose  File > Save As in the top menu. Locate the saved file and send the entire file to us. 

macOS Sierra (10.12) or newer:

With the Console application selected, right-click on  system.log, choose Reveal in Finder, and send the revealed file to us:

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