Client Interactions

With Pixellu Galleries, there are a variety of options to personalize a client's experience within the software. This includes enabling the ability to download images and choose an image resolution, select favorites, or hide images. You can also choose to add a download pin, require email registrations to help ensure privacy or stay on top of your client's interactions within their gallery. These options are all available under Interactions in your gallery settings while editing the gallery, as well as after the gallery has been published.

Gallery Editing Page:

After the gallery has been published:

Downloading Images

Images can be downloaded individually by hovering the mouse over the desired image and selecting the download icon or you can download all images by going into the gallery menu and selecting Download All Images:

Individual Images: 

All Images:

Email Registrations

If the Require email registrations option is enabled, clients and visitors would need to submit and verify their email addresses to enter and view the gallery. Anyone who registers their email address for the gallery will be recorded within the Gallery Activity tab:

Hiding Images

By choosing Enable clients to hide images from the gallery, these specified clients will have the ability to hide images from public view and personalize their sharing.

When these clients enter the gallery, they can hide any image by clicking on this icon:

Note: Once all of the desired images have been hidden in the gallery, a list of these hidden pictures can be found in the gallery menu. Additionally, If multiple clients have been given the ability to hide images for a gallery, each client will share the same Hidden Images view, allowing them to add or remove from that collection. This feature is a great way for couples, friends, or family to collaborate on a gallery and have a say in which images are shared.


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