Sharing your web browser's Console/Network logs

If you report an issue with SmartSlides, our support team may ask you to send us a screen recording of the issue with your web browser’s Console and/or Network tab open. These tabs will let us see the actions performed by your web browser and provide us with information about why you may be having trouble. Please follow these steps to provide us with that video: 

  1. Open SmartSlides in your web browser. 
  2. Start recording your screen. 
  3. Open the Console tab in your browser. See the steps below to learn how. 
  4. Reproduce the issue that you are having. For example, if you're having trouble uploading your images, try the upload again and make sure that the Console tab is visible during upload.
  5.  After reproducing the issue, scroll down through the Console tab so that each recorded action will be shown in your video. 
  6. Next, select the Network tab and scroll through the listed actions as well.
  7. End the screen recording and send the video to us.  

How to open the Console tab on my browser

Google Chrome:

  1. To open Console on Mac, select Command + Option + J 
  2. To open Console on Windows, select Control + Shift + J


  1. Choose Safari  > Preferences, and click Advanced.
  2. At the bottom of the Window, select the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox.
  3. Once you've done that, you can open Console by choosing Command + Option + C on your keyboard. 


  1. To open Console on Mac, select Command + Option + K 
  2. To open Console on Windows, select Control + Shift + K 

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Select F12 on your keyboard and then choose the Console tab. 

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