Connecting your custom domain

Step 1: Create CNAME Record

  1. Log into your domain provider's website. 
  2. Enter the Domain Manager section. Every provider calls this section a different name; some of the more common names are: Manage Domains, DNS Manager, or Zone File Settings.
  3. Create a CNAME record. Your provider may ask for these fields:
  • Alias- This should be a subdomain like "slideshows". Entering "slideshows" will result in "" pointing to SmartSlides
  • Type - Choose "CNAME"
  • Points To - Enter "" (use this exact text - do not replace any part of it with your own domain)

Step 2: Set Up Custom Domain

  1. Log into SmartSlides
  2. Open Preferences > Custom Domain
  3. Enter your custom domain name in the Custom domain field (e.g. "", without "http://"). Please note that the custom domain value may not be longer than 64 characters. 
  4. Click "Save".

That’s it! Within 15 minutes, you should be able to access the slideshows under your custom domain. In some cases, however, DNS propagation may take up to 72 hours.

Note: The custom domain is used as a part of each individual slideshow link (domain + slideshow name). For example:[slideshow-name]. If a custom domain is entered without the slideshow name, the viewer will be redirected to your website by default. 

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