Switching your subscription

Switching between monthly and annual plans

  • You can switch your plan's frequency within your Pixellu account under the Subscriptions + Billing tab.

This will open a "Manage Subscription" window. Then, select the plan you want to change > Edit subscription > Change.

Upgrading plans

  • You can switch your plan at any time by visiting the Dashboard section of your Pixellu Account and clicking on “Plans and Pricing" under your subscription.

This opens a pop-up where you can view and select your desired subscription. Simply click on “Buy Now” when you’re ready to upgrade.

When you switch to a new plan, a prorated billing adjustment will be credited immediately to reflect the switch. For example, if you had a  SmartAlbums plan and then upgrade to the SmartAlbums Plus or All Apps Bundle plan a few days later, there will be a prorated refund back to your Pixellu account for the number of days that the SmartAlbums plan had not been used. This credit will then be automatically applied to the new subscription purchase.

Switching from an All Apps Bundle plan

  • If you would like to downgrade to a SmartAlbums, SmartSlides, or Galleries-only plan, you can cancel the current All Apps Bundle within your Pixellu account, under the Subscriptions + Billing tab (see here).

Upon cancellation, this will schedule your All Apps Bundle to cancel at the end of the current billing cycle. Once this plan is canceled, you can purchase a new plan from our website: SmartAlbums | SmartSlides | Galleries

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